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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Dark Matter

Happy Thursday! This week has worn on me something fierce! I have no idea why but, I am exhausted. Like, not-even-enough-energy-to-read exhausted! Trying to stay positive though, even with the hard week. My bullet journal is a life-saver. It's like yoga for my mind 😉 On the positive side of things, it's almost the weekend and my free weekend for March. Lots of relaxing family time!

On to the book.... This book was loaned to me by a coworker. She had bought it but, had not read it yet so, I had no idea what it was about when I started reading. A few chapters in I finally figured it out. It's about the Dark Matter theory that every choice you make, splits into a parellel universe where another you made the other choice. This leads to infinite parallel universes. I am not into this kind of stuff AT ALL. If someone described this book to me I would think uhmmm no buuuuuut, this has to be one of the BEST books I have ever read. I even recommended it to my husband who does not read at all. If you read one book this year, I would give this one a go!

Image result for dark matter book

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