So excited over here! Nap time and I get to start this blog! I have lots of reasons for starting this... First of all, I really do love to write but, not by hand. Nope. Not at all. I have a billion word docs with all of my lists, journal entries, etc. because I could never come up with an idea to actually start a blog for. (Besides teaching but, I already have that blog and wanted something a little more personal) Who doesn't need a place to vent, share their thoughts, and get out their frustrations and happy moments? If anything, just for myself to look back on. Today it occurred to me that I should start a book blog! How I spend most of my time when I am not hearing "mommy", "mommy", "mommy" or "Mrs. Falk", "Mrs. Falk", is reading. I teach fourth grade and have two little munchkins running around my house. A two year old and an eight month old. Some days I think, who decided that this was a good idea? I do love them with all of my heart though and they are the most amazing people in my life. Okay, moving on. To the reason I started this blog today.... as I wrote down the title of yet another book I finished I thought "I am never going to look back at this...) I am terrible at remembering the books I read and cannot give proper recommendations because I couldn't tell you the title if my life depended on it. However, if I wander around a Barnes & Noble I can say "I read that!" "that one was really good!" "that book is awful." I think it might be the covers that I can actually remember. This meaningless notebook of titles and ratings is useless to me. So, my blog is born.
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